My TEDMED talk is a preview of our upcoming new book.

10 MINUTE TED TALK. This gives a pretty good idea of the content for the new book that Dorie Barton, Brian Palermo and I will be publishing in September.



The editors did a heroic job of making coherence out of the talk I gave last month at the TEDMED Conference in D.C. I had flown overnight from Homer, Alaska (after a great week of workshops with the USFWS folks), and made a couple of goofs in the talk, but through the miracles of editing they cleaned it all up.

Next month I’m going to announce the details of the book I’ve written with my workshop co-instructors Dorie Barton and Brian Palermo, plus “The CONNECTION Storymaker App,” that we’re currently constructing with a software company which is going to be very, very cool.

Regarding the book, we’re in the midst of editing right now. All I can say about it is that it’s a substantially better and more important book than my first. Dorie and Brian have written excellent sections. We’ll be releasing it in mid-September with a series of events in different cities, all of which is in the planning stages right now. Stay tuned!