At a time when the nation appears to be unraveling over it’s inability to achieve political unity, it’s unfortunate that climate skeptic Marc Morano is waging such a vicious campaign against the spirit of compromise.
CRUCIFIED. Political compromise is perhaps the most desperately needed quality right now in this beleaguered nation. When Gore’s WE campaign was launched in 2008 as the first and only major manifestation of the $300 million he had raised to communicate about climate, it seemed pretty weak. But still. To now come after the politicians who got talked into posing for their lame couch commercials is to make a loud statement against the entire notion of political compromise, which at this point really should be considered to be anti-American given our current dire financial straits.
It makes me a little sad to write this. I’ve been somewhat of a fan of Marc Morano’s since he took part in my movie, “Sizzle.” At times I’ve gotten a kick out of his anti-environmentalist, politically incorrect mud slinging, and his Climate Depot website can be somewhat funny at times. I called him an effective communicator last year. He also was a good sport in appearing on our post-screening panel discussion of “Sizzle” at Syracuse University for Earth Day.
Yes, he’s done some rotten things in terms of posting the email addresses of academics and hounding decent scientists like Mike Mann, but most of that stuff has stayed down in the minor noise level, off the political radar screen. But this year he’s found a new hobby — attacking Republican Presidential candidates on their climate records — and he’s managed to make himself heard with some of the larger media — as high up as Rolling Stone who have been doing a decent job lately with feature articles on climate.
Of all these efforts, I think the crummiest one is to beat his drum over the commercials produced in 2008 by Al Gore’s fumbling WE campaign. Regardless of what the campaign stood for and did or didn’t accomplish (and btw, the PSA on their home page right now is so cliched it looks like it was produced by the makers of “South Park”), the fact is the forced, stilted, unfunny set of commercials they produced featuring political opposites sitting on a couch did symbolize something that is today the most sorely needed commodity in the country — political compromise — as in the willingness for the two sides to come together.
We’re on the brink of financial calamity. Times are not good. To scream out at a politician just because he made such a gesture — as Morano is currently doing on his website about Gingrich (whose campaign is in such shambles it hardly needs a further beating) — is sending an anti-American message at this point. Plain and simple.
Marc, you’re not helping your country.