#144) Plastic Idiocy is Gonna Get You
July 25th, 2011
Is this not the height of “green” marketing self-delusion?
BUSTA CAP. With definitions like this for “green” we can all feel much better — Yay!
As Seth Meyers of SNL Weekend Update would say, “Really? Really? Did you really think people would believe your plastic bottle was ‘Green’ because you made a smaller cap?” Hey, it’s still plastic. If my oil company spills 20% less oil this year does that mean we can call ourselves “green”?
I got handed this bottle last week at a workshop in West Virginia and felt like it’s a piece of performance art. Had to set it down, applaud, and take out my camera.
And how do they come off calling their plastic bottle an “ECO-SHAPE”? It’s a plastic bottle. Nothing green or Eco about it. End of story.
Honestly, marketing people will try ANYTHING to bullshit the public.
Makes me think of a story (probably apocryphal) I was told long ago about the first fishing company in Alaska to sell canned salmon. They harvested a salmon species with white meat. Then a competitor came in and started harvesting a species with pink meat which suddenly became the rage and was more popular. So the first company launched a new marketing campaign saying, “Our salmon doesn’t turn pink in the can.”